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Homebuyer Initiated Program (HIP)
What is HIP?
The CLCLT Homebuyer Initiated Program (HIP) is a buyer-driven program that provides additional buying power for buyers to affordably purchase a home of their choice in Minneapolis.
Once a buyer completes the necessary pre-purchase education and application steps with the CLCLT, they then can be enrolled in the program. HIP aligns buyers with an affordability investment (currently up to $58,750) and a commitment for a post-purchase deferred maintenance and/or rehab investment (currently up to approximately $20,000 in rehab assistance per buyer). HIP allows the buyer to leverage their mortgage with the affordability investment to be able to buy a home that previously would have been out of reach.
After the homeowner purchases the home through the CLCLT, the CLCLT will work with the homeowner to develop a scope of work and hire contractors to address deferred maintenance and rehab items on the home.
As of 2021, the CLCLT has assisted over 180 households purchase homes through HIP.
HIP Parameters
Homes must be in Minneapolis.
Homes must be single-family homes or duplexes.
Households must have household income of less than 80% AMI at time of CLCLT HIP closing.
through a lender who has a CLT-friendly mortgage product approval
Homeowner would need to complete CLCLT application, attend CLCLT orientation, and mortgage pre-
Homeowner meets with attorney to review resale terms and CLCLT documents prior to closing.